About Us
RHA got our start in 1980, recognizing that vulnerable Californians burdened by energy costs lacked access to solutions that could save them money and improve their living conditions. We pioneered programs to meet this need, delivering energy efficiency services and training disadvantaged individuals to support this work.
Since then, our program offerings have expanded to meet evolving climate and community needs while remaining rooted in the goal that spurred our founding – equitable access.
Today, our more than 40 people- and planet-focused programs help Californians improve their health and well-being, conserve energy and water, decrease greenhouse gas emissions, safeguard against extreme heat and wildfires and access clean energy careers.
Working together to improve lives by delivering equitable access to socially responsible solutions
Our Team
Board of Directors

Cynthia Rafferty

Baalaji Dhanabalan

Alex Kaiser

Austin L. Myatt

Fabiola DeCaratachea

Gabriel Peredo

Julie Weigand

Lisa Hernandez

Martha Lucey

Poonam Hadavale

Sarah Nielsen

Fatima Salcido

Jessica Vasquez

Kelly Rafferty

Kristen DeFehr

Lindsey McKeehan

Mike Tapia

Moe Srifi

Roberto Blancas

Sharon Vock